Digital geometry processing (DGP), a subfield of computer graphics will be introduced in this course. Recent innovation in 3D acquisition (3D scanning, realtime depth sensor) and 3D production (3D printing) technologies, has made DGP become one of the vital technologies in applications ranging from visual effects, interactive games, CAD, machine perception, robotics to other related fields. This course will cover basic mathematical foundations for studying 3D surfaces from a discrete differential geometric standpoint and present some classical and advanced topics of DGP.Administrative
Teacher: Junjie Cao
e-mail:; QQ: 1845687; Phone: ?
Office: B-1014, Chuangxinyuan Building of DUT
Office hours: Wed 15:00-16:00
TA: no
Times and Places
周一 1-2节;周五 1-2节(1-8周)。研教楼 510作业提交
按照Syllabus的due对应周的周日晚23:50之前提交电子版(Submit after deadline: -10%)
请参考: 文档样式的例子
Date | Topic | Material | Notes |
4.28 | Introduction | introduction, motivation | SIGGRAPH 2017 - Technical Papers Trailer.mp4, Ch1&2 of PMP |
4.29 | Geometry representation 1 | Introduction, Implicit, Explicit, Mesh, | Ch1&2 of PMP |
Ex1: mesh IO and display using OpenMesh, libigl, and Matlab | |||
5.6 | Geometry representation 2; Hw1; | Conversion, | [Hw1 Out], [Hw1 tip]; |
5.9 | Point clouds | Point1, Point2 | Three Derivations of PCA by J. P. Lewis, PCA Tutorialby Jon Shlens, Least Squares Fitting (see Sec 4) by Dave Eberly, A Visual Explanation of the Hough Transform, Generalizing the Hough TransformDana Ballard. |
5.13 | Differential Geometry; | CDG-curve, CDG-surface, | Ch3 of PMP; |
5.16 | Discrete Differential Geometry | DDG, | [Hw1 Due] |
Ex2: libigl tutorial: Ch2: Discrete Geometric Quantities and Operators |
5.20 | Discrete Differential Geometry2; | g2(王媛聪,周沛,潘如玥): DenseBody(fig4的四篇)+ End-to-end Recovery of Human Shape and Pose + Joint 3d face reconstruction and dense alignment with position map regression network | |
5.23 | Distance, Features; | features | |
5.27 | 3D Scanning; Surface Registration; Hw2; | Scanning, Registration, | [Hw2 Out] |
5.30 | Surface smoothing; | Smoothing, Smoothing2 with some new results | g4 (张萍,郦琼娜) + g5 (霍海梅,刘倩倩) |
Ex3: libigl tutorial: |
[Hw4 Out]; Ch4 of PMP; |
6.3 | Shape Matching; | Matching, | |
6.6 | Surface Reconstruction; | Reconstruction, |
Ch5 & Appendix A of PMP |
704 Signed Distances; 705 Marching Cubes |
[Hw3 Out]; | ||
6.10 | Decimation; | Decimation, | Ch9 of PMP; g1(王龙珂,张曼): Tex2Shape: Detailed Full Human Body Geometry from a Single Image+ Learning to Reconstruct People in Clothing from a Single RGB Camera+ Detailed Human Avatars from Monocular Video |
6.13 | Remeshing; | Remeshing | g7(高嘉馨,王鑫): Monocular Total Capture: Posing Face, Body, and Hands in the Wild + Expressive Body Capture: 3D Hands, Face, and Body from a Single Image |
Ex5: tutorial 703 Mesh Decimation, 506 Anisotropic remeshing using frame fields of libigl Ex4: libigl tutorial: |
[Hw5 Out];
[Hw6 Out] Ch5,6,7 of PMP |
6.17 | Parameterization | Parameterization | g3(黄骅,王诗瑶): 3D Point-Capsule Networks + fig3中的文章 |
6.20 | Shape Deformation | Introduction, Surface, Space | g6(王华胜,陶文涛): BAE-NET: Branched Autoencoder for Shape Co-Segmentation LOGAN: Unpaired Shape Transform in Latent Overcomplete Space |
Ex6: tutorial Ch4 deformation of libigl | [Hw5 and Hw6 Due] |
- glut: for exercises and homeworks
- Packing: cleaning your path before submitting your homework.
- [Link1]: : Useful links for many things
- [tool]: Deep Exploration (or its next version: SAP Visual Enterprise Author) for browsing, converting & simplifing meshes
- [tool]: MeshLab: mesh viewer & large amount of basic operations
- ...
- [code]: Modern C++11 library and programs by Hoppe that demonstrate mesh processing techniques in computer graphics published at ACM SIGGRAPH in 1992–1998
Role-playing: how to master a paper?
This seminar is organized around the different "roles" students play each week: SIGGRAPH Reviewer, Archaeologist, PhD Student, Industry R&D Expert, Hacker, and Private Investigator.Everyone, every week: Come with a new title for the current paper and a missing result the paper could have included.
- SIGGRAPH Reviewer: Complete a full---critical but not necessarily negative---review of the paper. Answer all questions on the SIGGRAPH Review Form.
- Archaeologist: Determine where this paper sits in the context of previous and subsequent work. Find and report on one older paper cited by the current paper and one newer paper citing this current paper.
- PhD Student: Propose an imaginary follow project not just based on the current but only possible due to the existence and success of the current paper.
- Industry R&D Expect: Convince us (your industry bosses) that it's worth your time and money to implement this paper into our company's pipeline. Choose an appropriate company and product or application.
- Hacker: Implement a small part of the paper or simplified (e.g. 2D instead of 3D) version of the paper. Prepare a demo of your work for the class.
- Private Investigator: Find out background information on one of the paper authors. Where have they worked? What did they study? What previous projects might have led to working on this one? We encourage you to contact the authors, but remember to be courteous, polite and on topic...
Steal from "Seminar in Geometry and Animation".
- [Book]:
[with ppt & source code: ] link1
- [Book]:
- ...
- [Course]: Geometric Computing with Python, SIGGRAPH course 2018, Daniele Panozzo.
- [Course]: CSCI 621: Digital Geometry Processing SS 2019, Hao Li. PMP, scanning, Dynamic Geometry processing, facial performance capture, deep learning for geometry. PMP execises.
- [Course]: CS749: Digital Geometry Processing, Spring 2017, Siddhartha Chaudhuri. Points, diatances, features, Laplacian, segmentation. Many reading materials, better assignments.
- [Course]: CENG789 - Digital Geometry Processing, Yusuf Sahillioğlu. PMP, Delaunay, Voronoi, Descriptors on mesh, 3D printing. Some team projects topics.
- [Course]: 6.838: Shape Analysis (Spring 2017) @ MIT. Numerical Tools, geodesic, inverse distance, Laplacian, Vector field, Optimal transport, correspondence. with youtube. 4 homework by ipython notebook.
- [Course]: CS 15-458/858: Discrete Differential Geometry, @CMU by Keenan Crane
- [Course]: Digital Geometry Processing 2019, Xiao-Ming Fu. Barycentric coordinate, Mapping, PolyCube, Atlas, Spere parameterization, Morping. PMP exscises topics with assigned new papers.
- ...
- [Course]: ENGN 2501 Digital Geometry Processing, Gabriel Taubin, 2019
- [Course]: 524 Computer Graphics: Modeling - Alla Sheffer
- [Course]: CS468 - Data-Driven Shape Analysis - Vladimir (Vova) Kim, & Qixing (Peter) Huan
- [Course]: Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics: Mesh Processing (600.657) - Michael Misha Kazhdan
- [Course]: SIGGRAPH AISA 2008 course: Mesh Parameterization: Theory and Practice
- [Course]: SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 course: Spectral Mesh Processing
- [Course]: SIGGRAPH 2014 course: Structure-Aware Shape Processing
- [Course]: Eurographics 2014 course: State of the Art in Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds
- [Course]: SGP 2015 course: Dynamic 2D/3D Registration
- [Course]: Graduate School of SGP 2017. lecture videos