When human beings acquired language, we learned not just how to listen but how to speak. When we gained literacy, we learned not just how to read but how to write. And as we move into an increasingly digital reality, we must learn not just how to use programs but to make them.
In the emerging, highly programmed landscape ahead, you will either create the software or you will be the software. It's really that simple: Program, or be programmed. Choose the former, and you gain access to the control panel of civilization. Choose the latter, and it could be the last real choice you get to make.
--Douglas Rushkoff, in Program or Be Programmed: Ten Commands for a Digital Age (2010)
This is an introductory course to the C++ programming language, including C programming language. It is intended for those with little programming background. This course is offered during the Short-Term, which is a special 4-week term at DUT. It would be a 56 hours course (32 talks + 24 hands-on labs). Students will learn how to use C++ to implment some simple algorithms, datastructures, GUI, and interesting missions in image processing and computer graphics.
Instructor: Junjie Cao, jjcao@dlut.edu.cn; TA: ?; QA: https://piazza.com?
关于Homework,共4个,7.21-8:00 交1份纸质版本。算作平时成绩。
When & where
Lecture | Lab |
周一13:30-15.05;周二10:05-11:40;周四13:30-15.05;周五8:00-9:35; 地址:综1-158 | 2,3,4周:周二13:30-17:10; 1,2,3周:周四18:00-21:30.共6次上机 西综2号楼-603, 606? |
- hw01_BasicDynamicArray_function
- hw02_BasicDynamicArray_class
- hw03_EfficientDynamicArray, 作业三的基础代码:https://yunpan.360.cn/surl_y3fZSE7ww5A (提取码:65cb)
- hw04_TemplateDynamicArray
- [books, dictionary]: 三本知识全面的书 [1] c++ primer, [2] The C++ Programming Language (more advance than [1]), [3] The C++ Standard Library – A Tutorial and Reference
- [books, tutorial]: 两本教程式的书[1] Paul Deitel, Deitel Harvey. C++ How to Programing, [2] Sams Teach Yourself C++ in One Hour a Day
- [online course]: cpp for school, simpler and with assignments, projects, quiz and papers. A cool start point
- [online course]: cpp在线中文教程,包括主流操作系统下g++和Visual C++的设置
- [online course]: LearnCpp.com, more detail explanations than cpp for school. Not for a novice, best for review.
- [video course]: 北京大学 c++程序设计 @ coursera. 难度介于cpp for school和LearnCpp.com之间,适合初学者
- [dictionary]: cplusplus.com
- [book]: C++编程关键路径—程序员求职指南
- [上机练习]: 北大练习
- [代码打包工具]: Visual C++代码打包工具, 可以自行调整.
- [总结]: C++知识体系, 总结的很好,包括一些高级内容.
- [Online Problemset, 在线练习]: LeetCode,
- [Online IDE]: CODECHEF, a web-based compiler, let you write and run your code online, with many examples for practice and competition.
- [Online IDE]: Processing, develop and display visualization online.
- [Online IDE]: Jupyter, write and run code in browser.